

We Offer Extensive Care For You

The Eye is one of the most important organs of the body, in fact the most important sense organ. This makes vision or sight the most valuable of all senses. Eyes help us see, stimulate our mind and interpret what we see ,maintaining the sharpness of our mind, leading us to healthy and intelligent living.

As the ancient Indian text of medicine says Chakshurakshayam sarvakalam manushyir yathna karthavyo jeevithae yavadichha vyartholoko/yathulya rathri indivaanam pumsamanthanam vidhyamanaepi vithae / “Man has to strive and preserve vision as long as he wishes to live,for a man who is blind cannot tell day and night apart and the wealth and wisdom he has gained becomes futile to himself and to the world” Vision /Eye sight is the most cherished of all senses and we have to preserve it at any cost.


Qualified Doctors

Personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific requirements.


Dedicated Service

Skilled & experienced doctors embrace cutting-edge technology.


Satisfied Patients

A well satisfied clientele of more than three lakhs.

What we do

A centre of clinical excellence in eye care

This Eye Hospital strives for the highest standards of eye care incorporating advanced medical and surgical technologies, evidence- based practices and a multi- disciplinary approach. It places a strong emphasis on quality, safety and patient- centered care.


What people say about Gowrisa


Happy Patients

Best medical facilities and loving staff.

Are you seeking a trusted partner for all your eye care needs? Look no further than Gowrisa Eye Hospital. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards brighter, clearer and healthier vision.

Keeping You Well.

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